STEMPLOY offers three types of courses to help companies, entrepreneurs and students stay on the brink of new and exciting practices in the STEM fields. We offer customized training programs to better prepare students to undertake a STEM field of study and future job position, industry workshops to educate new hires, and new business owners with hands-on business strategies. Contact us and we can assist you with the following types of courses:

Student Courses

We are always working to identify the tools students need to accelerate the process of finding meaningful and long-term work. Our Student Courses allow our student members to learn valuable information such as resume building, interview etiquette, career planning and much, much more.

Business Courses

We offer beginner to advanced courses related business development and maintenance. The focus of these courses is to help our members locate the resources and develop the skills necessary to start and grow a business.


Professional Courses

For our members looking for training in specific STEM fields or on specific topics of interest, STEMPLOY will offer a variety of specialized courses throughout the year.



Independent Learning Resources