
STEMPLOY’s Women Entrepreneur of the Year

STEMPLOY recognizes one woman business owner each year for their contributions to their community and the local economy and who are examples and mentors to aspiring female entrepreneurs in STEM. The winner is selected from nominated women that ultimately demonstrates that they have

  • Been successful despite the barriers that exist for woman business owners
  • Exemplified how business ownership and leadership is beneficial for women
  • Had a positive impact on local community or the community at large
  • Advanced her business through innovation

STEMPLOY’s Outstanding Student Award

STEMPLOY will honor the finest senior thesis completed during an academic year, in one of the STEM fields. The award is open to all academic divisions that fall under the STEM fields and the winner is chosen from the applicants that are enrolled as members of STEMPLOY and present their thesis to a panel of judges.

STEMPLOY’s Graduate Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to a four-year graduating student that has been accepted to graduate school furthering their field of study in STEM. The Scholarship is awarded to a graduating senior who shows the most promise as a future Scientist, Engineer, Technologist or Mathematician in one of the STEM disciplines such as medicine, biology, chemistry, earth sciences, engineering, computers, physics, or other field of study.